How do I import field records from John Deere Operations Center?

This article demonstrates how to import field records from your John Deere Operations Center account.

Before reconciling your imported field records in Traction, make sure you have completed the following steps.


1.  Connect your John Deere Operations Center account in Traction

If you have not connected your John Deere Operations Center account, please do so by following our How do I connect my John Deere Operations account? KB article.

2.  Setup Crop Zones for each of your fields

It will be easier to assign crop zones for each of your fields before editing imported field records.  If you have not done so already, you can go through our How do I manage my crop zones? KB article.

3. Setup favorite Products and costs associated with each

It will be more effective to have your favorite products selected (moving them to the top of the list) and having up to date details will improve your data quality.  You can follow our KB article How do I add favorite products and assign costs? to learn more.


Note:  It can take up to 24-48 hours for field records to appear in the Import Queue.



1.  Click on Dashboard and select Field Ops.


2.  Click on Import Queue to view the imported field records.  If you choose not to import a field record, click on the three dots to the right of the record and select Archive Record.



3.  In the field record click on the field boundary icon bndry icon and select the correct crop zone.  Click on the Save button when you have made your selection.

crop zone choice


4.  Click on the product icon prod icon.  Select your products and confirm the entries. 

NOTE:  Once you have selected Save Product Mapping it will match and fill in the details of all other field records and future records using that product.

Next, click on the Save button when you have made your selections.


5. Click on the equipment icon  equip icon.  Select your equipment and confirm the entries.  Next, click on the Save button when you have made your selections.


6.  Click on the personnel icon  personnel icon.  Select your personnel and confirm the entries.  Next, click on the Save button when you have made your selections.

personnel import


7.  Once you have edited all of the information for the field record click on the Import button.  The button will turn green when all of the entries have been edited and confirmed.

imported record


8.  The field record will now be visible in the Field Record  tab of Field Operations.

fr import