How do I void or delete a transaction?

This article will demonstrate how to void or delete a transaction in Traction.


If the Chat icon is covering the Void button, you can hide it by following the steps here KB article.

You can only delete a transaction if it has not had any allocations assigned to it.



Void / Delete Individual Transactions

1.  In your Account Register, click on the transaction that you would like to void.



2.  Traction will take you to the Edit Transaction screen.

In the lower left-hand corner, click the Void / Delete button.


3.  You will be asked to confirm that you want to void/delete this transaction.

Click No to cancel the action and Yes to void/delete.



4.  After clicking Yes, Traction will notify you, Transaction successfully voided, and return to the Account Register.



You can view previously voided transactions by clicking on the More button and turning on the toggle for Show Voided.  Click Apply to set the filter.  Click on the More button and select Reset filters then hit Apply to hide the voided transactions again.



Bulk Voiding / Deleting Transactions

If you need to bulk void / delete transactions, you now do so by clicking the Bulk Edit icon in the Account Register

Once enabled, you will now have several options available.

1.  Select which transactions you would like bulk edit.  Clicking the top selection circle will select all listed transactions.

2.  Change the status of the selected transactions in bulk.  This is useful if your transactions are in the Cleared (C) state. (There is no confirmation on Status changes and the change will occur as soon as you make a selection.)

3.  Void / Delete the selected transactions.


Review your selection and then click Void / Delete.  You will receive a confirmation modal, stating how many transactions will be voided and how many will be deleted.