To show up in a specific area of Traction, what category does a contact need to be in?

Traction filters several Contact lists based on the Category selected for a Contact.

If you are expecting to see a contact in a particular area of Traction, but they are not available, please review the categories they belong in with the table below.

Contacts CAN belong to multiple categories, so there is no need to have multiple entries for the same Contact.


Each Vendor will show up as an option as a Contact for Payment transactions


Each Customer will show up as an option as a Contact for Deposit transactions


Each Employee will show up as an option to setup and onboard as a Payroll Employee

Field Worker

Used to designate a Contact as a Field Worker


Used to designate a Contact as a Landlord and include in Land Agreements


Each Entity is also made into a contact

This field cannot be edited


Each Owner of an Entity is also made into a contact

This field cannot be edited


Used for contacts that don't fit into other categories or you would like to flag