How do you edit or void a harvested crop sale with storage locations?

This article demonstrates how to edit or void a harvested crop sale with storage locations in Traction.

Note:  You must have both Basic Accounting and Basic Operations in order to use this feature.  Crop inventory is recorded in Accounting and the running total in storage is viewed in Operations.

1.  Click on the Dashboard and select Field Ops.  Next, click on Storage in the menu at the left of the screen. image-png-27845


Ops Menu

2.  Click on the dot iconicon at the right of the storage location and select Manage Inventory.  




3.  Click on the i9icon to the right of the crop sales record and select Go to Sale.  The original sales transaction details will appear.  Make any changes to the record and hit the Save button.




Voiding crop sales:

4.  Click on the i11icon for the sales record and select Go to Sale.  Next, click on the Void button.




5.  Click on the Yes button to confirm the Void.  You will also be asked if you want to apply the new average crop price to all of the existing records.  Click Yes and the sales record will be voided.

