How do I return a product that I purchased through Bills?

In this article, we'll walk through how to add a negative amount to your transaction to adjust the final total of a bill.

Your example may be different.  Please note which account you are returning the product against and update the directions accordingly.



Navigate to your bill inside the Bills area of Accounting.


Scenario A:  No Activity on the Bill

If your bill has not had any payments made against it, you can simply update the Bill with the current information by clicking the three dot menu and selecting, Edit Bill.


Scenario B:  Previous Activity on the Bill

If your Bill has already had a payment applied, you will need to update your payment transaction. 


First, click on the three dot menu and select View Bill


This will allow you to note the unit cost.  You will need this for your return transaction.


Next, you can find your previous transactions by clicking on the three dot menu and selecting, View Activity.


Here, you can click on one of the previous payments listed to bring up the corresponding transaction.


In the transaction, add a new row for each supply you are returning and be sure to select the Supplies type. 

If you are returning something that isn't related to an inventoried Input you are managing in Traction, you can leave the type option on Other.


In our example, we will be returning 40 gallons of 1300 Orthene® TR Total Release Insecticide at a cost of $23.00 per gallon.


You will enter the quantity as a negative amount and add the word Return to the description so you can easily reference this entry in your Chart of Accounts.


Now your accounting and inventories are up to date.  You can review the transaction in your Chart of Accounts by viewing the appropriate expense account.

In our case, the return is for our Chemical Expense account.


You can also see the inventory change under your Input inventory view in Field Operations.


And that's it.  While you cannot edit the total on a Bill that has already had activity, you can update your books to reflect any refunds or exchanges.