How do I enter a deposit for an invoice payment?

This article demonstrates how to enter a deposit for an invoice payment in Traction.

NOTE: Using your field records for creating landlord invoices will be available in a future release. If you need this functionality, please contact Customer Success for assistance.



1.  Click on Dashboard and select Accounting.



2.  Select the appropriate account for the deposit.  Then click on the + Add New button and select Add New Deposit. image-png-Apr-18-2022-01-12-23-32-PM


3.  Click on the arrow to the right of Other and select Invoice Payment Invoice10


4.  Select the appropriate Invoice for the payment.  The full amount of the invoice is entered by default.  You may edit the amount if needed.  If this is not a full payment the new balance can be adjusted.  I am showing a partial payment for my example.  When all entries have been made click on the Save button. invoice11


5.  The payment will now appear in the Account Register.  Click on Invoices to view the balances for all of your invoices. AR10




1.  In Invoices click on the arrow to the right of the invoice to view all invoices associated with the contact.  Select the appropriate invoice and click on the Receive Payment button.




2.  The payment detail screen will appear with the Invoice information completed.  Enter/edit all information for the deposit and click on the Save button.  The invoice will now show Paid in Full in the status column.

