Depending on the terms of your lease agreements (or other factors), you might find yourself not needing to farm a particular field boundary for a given time. When this happens, there are just a couple of quick steps to take in Traction Enterprise to update that boundary.
Have your fields setup in Traction Enterprise.
- Navigate to Setup>Land Agreements and ensure the Land Agreement is deleted in the year the field is being marked as inactive.
- Next, navigate to Setup>Fields.
- Select the boundary you do not plan on farming for this production cycle.
- Select Edit in the upper right corner of the map view
- In edit mode, you can enter an Effective End Date for this particular boundary.
- Click Save.
This will retain all data logged on this boundary for previous years, but remove it from your field list for the current production cycle going forward. If you decide to farm this boundary again in the future you can remove the Effective End Date and it will appear back on your Field Plans page.
Note: To add an Effective End Date, Tasks and Plans from previous production cycles must not overlap with the current production cycle.
The field boundary continues to appear on Field Plans, Seed Plans, and Financial Plans pages if the ending effective date is in the same year as the current crop year. For example, if you set the ending effective dates for a given field boundary to January 10th, 2016, this field boundary appears for the entire 2016 production cycle. To avoid this, set the ending effective date for a previous year date such as December 31, 2015.
Related Articles:
How do I change the effective dates for a field boundary?
How do I remove a Crop Plan from a field boundary?