Yield Analyzer is a powerful tool to view forecasted, planned, & actual crop production and revenue. When you drill down to look at forecasted price by field in Yield Analyzer, you will notice different prices associated with each boundary due to the entity/landowner and the Contracts that have been entered for each entity.
- Estimated crop price entered in Setup>Crops
- Land Agreements need to be set up
- Contracts added in Contract Manager (if applicable)
The forecasted price by field is determined by looking at entity specific pricing. The best way to see this pricing is by going to Yield Analyzer & then Contract Manager.
- Go to Crops>Yield>Analyzer.
- Choose "custom" from the the Options drop-down menu to create and save a custom view.
- Reorder rows and columns to determine forecasted price by field.
Rows: Crop Product - Boundary - Entity
Columns: Forecast Quantity - Forecast Price - Forecast Revenue - Make sure your report is expanded to Entity level. Notice Field - 1 has an average price of $4.04/bu which is comprised of 2 entities crop prices.
Next, in order to see crop price by entity, open up a tab for Contract Manager as well.
- Filter down to your crop. Then filter for each entity accordingly.
C&B Partnership - $3.99/bu
Haley Thompson - $4.12/bu
$4.04/bu average for Field - 1 - By having forecasted revenue entity-specific, Yield Analyzer is the perfect tool to see your forecasted revenue whether broke out by crop, entity, or by field.
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