Crop Ownership Balances allow you to look at your crop ownership by entity or make ownership adjustments and transfers if necessary. These balances are driven by Land Agreements and Contracts. Ownership is assigned to Farm Entities and Landowners at harvest based on how the Land Agreements are set up. Ownership is then removed from an entity's balance when their grain is sold in a contract.
- Setup your Farm Entities and Landowners on the Setup > Entities page.
- Create and assign Land Agreements on the Setup > Land Agreements Page.
- Create Inventory Locations with Crop Storage for each bin site.
- Create Crop Plans with Harvest Tasks.
- Assign those plans to your fields.
- Record Harvest Data including transfers going into inventory.
To get started, navigate to Crops > Inventory > Ownership Balances. Here you can view the current balance of any of your entities. You can even use the filters to narrow down to a specific entity or entity type. The current balance for each of your entities come from the sum of the ownership transfers to and from that entity. Ownership transfers are generated when an inventory transfer is recorded off a field. These inventory transfers will assign ownership based on the Land Agreements.
The transfers out of ownership will be created when a hauling load is tied to a contract. The total of that transfer will be removed from the ownership of the "Seller" in the contract that was tied.
For example: Field 1 has two operating entities that split all the revenue. This is specified in the Land Agreement by each Ownership % equaling 50%. They harvest 100,000 bushels off Field 1 this year. 50,000 will go to each operating entity.
The estimated value of each account is based on your price assumptions entered on the Setup > Crops page.
Add/Reconcile Crop Ownership Transfers
You can reconcile your Crop Ownership Balances through the Transfers tab. This is where you can move ownership between entities, in instances where it isn't automatically done by a land agreement or contract.
To add an ownership transfer or adjustment, click "Add".
A transfer would be used when you need to move ownership from one entity to another. For example, if you pay an employee in grain. When you are ready to do that, simply add a transfer and send some of your ownership to that employee.
An adjustment would likely be used at the end of the year when everything is sold, but you notice a small amount of ownership, like a few bushels, are remaining in someone's balance. You could add an adjustment to zero that out.
It is important to remember that for most cases, you will not need to enter any ownership transfers. These should be automatically created by your Land Agreements and Contracts when you harvest and sell a crop.
Note: Ownership Adjustments or Transfers do not affect physical inventory. You may need to transfer/adjust that balance out on Crops>Inventory>Balances as well.
Use the or
button to download or print a report of your current crop balances.
Related Articles:
Getting Started: How to add Land Agreements
Getting Started: How do I add Crop Contracts?