How should I set my "Timing" date range for Tasks with uncertain or reoccurring dates?


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It can be difficult to predict when your Tasks are going to take place because farming depends on so many factors. Follow these best practices when you set up your Tasks for the year in Traction Enterprise.

Scenario #1: Uncertain Date for Task

For Tasks where you are uncertain about when they occur (such as "Fall Fertilizer" or "Planting"), set the dates to cover the time frame where the task would occur in an average year for your operation.

Example: If your corn planting usually starts around mid-May, set the date range to May 1 - May 31. As you get closer to planting season and you have a better idea of when it will actually happen, update the date range via Task Manager so it remains as accurate as possible.



Scenario #2: Reoccurring Task

For Tasks that reoccur throughout the year (such as "Irrigation" or "Scouting"), set the date range to encompass the entire season when these Tasks happen. 

Example: If you typically start irrigating in early June and keep irrigating through August, set the date range for June 1-August 31. As you go through the growing season, you can create multiple work orders for those tasks when they need to happen. 

Note: To obtain individual records of irrigation, do not use a single, reoccurring task for irrigation. Create individual irrigation tasks in order to see each one in a report. A single irrigation task with a season-long, reoccurring window is only fit for operations that do not need to see each single irrigation activity record in Reports.

If you are still unsure how best to go about tasks with uncertain or reoccurring dates: (1) Reach out to your Customer Success Manager or (2) contact your Traction Enterprise Customer Support team.


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Getting Started: How to make Crop Plans and Tasks
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