How is Crop Profitability (Forecasted Revenue and Costs) calculated on the Dashboard?


The Crop Profitability widget on the Dashboard provides a quick look at the to-date financial performance of each crop that you are growing in the current production cycle.

We base all values for revenue, cost, and acres off the forecasted amount (rather than planned or actual amount. Generally, forecasted amounts will equal actual amounts once a task is completed.


Your Crop Profitability is calculated from both cost and forecasted revenue. For costs, you need to first setup your Inputs, Land Agreements, and Financial Accounts. For revenue, first setup your Fields/Boundaries, Crop Plans and Tasks, and Field Plans.


1. Let's first take a look at how "Forecasted Revenue" is calculated:

  • Forecasted Revenue for a given crop = (Production Revenue + Custom Account Revenue) / (Acres associated with that crop)

As seen in the screenshot below, Forecasted Revenue is highlighted in green:


2. "Forecasted Costs" are calculated from the following formula:

  • Forecasted Costs for a given crop = (Input Costs + Land Costs + Operating Costs + Fixed Costs) / (Acres associated with that crop)

As seen in the screenshot below, Forecasted Costs are highlighted in red:



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