How is Breakeven by Crop calculated on the Dashboard?


  • Your Breakeven by Crop is calculated from both cost and forecasted revenue.

    • To calculate costs, setup  Inputs, Land Agreements, and Financial Accounts.

    • To calculate revenue, setup your Fields/Boundaries, Crop Plans and Tasks, and Field Plans.


On the Traction Enterprise Dashboard there are several widgets, including one called "Breakeven by Crop." This widget tells you -- based on your current costs associated with each crop -- what price you'd need to be paid on that crop to cover your costs of production.  

Here's an example of how Breakeven by Crop is calculated:

1. Costs per Unit:

(Go to Financials>Profit Analyzer)



2. Forecasted Yield:

(Go to Crops>Yield>Analyzer)


($235.14/ac) / (54.85bu/ac) = $4.29bu


3. Breakeven Price:

(Go to Dashboard)



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