How do I view the cost of a Crop Plan?


When you plan for the year, it is helpful to know the financial implications of your crop plans as you build them.


  • Setup your Fields/Boundaries
  • Setup your Inputs
  • Setup your Crop Plans


  1. Navigate to Operations>Plans>Crop Plans to view the cost of each Crop Plan in the upper right hand corner.
  2. You can see the costs associated with each task, the revenue associated with your harvest tasks, and the net revenue or cost for the total plan on the Operations>Plans>Crop Plans page as long as you specified the following:
    • Costs are added to relevant inputs via the Setup>Inputs page
    • Revenue is added to relevant crops via the Setup>Crops page  

Note: Traction Enterprise rolls up the costs of all tasks in the plan, even if the non-harvest tasks such as Tillage, Other, Scouting, and Soil Sampling do not have costs.


Related Articles:
How do I allocate a flat dollar amount to a task?
Where can I allocate costs associated with certain tasks?