You can easily gather data from Traction Enterprise Business to support a crop insurance audit. Depending on the types of information needed, here is a list of the information we have helped customers provide for their audits. (Field Name, Entity, Commodity, Planted Acres, Planted Date, Harvest Date, Total Dry Bushels, Yield, Field Records - Grain Cart Transfers or Truck Scale Tickets)
To view these reports for crop insurance purposes, you will first need:
- Fields drawn or imported into your account.
- Tasks and Crop Plans created, including Harvest Tasks.
- Field Plans assigned to fields.
- Harvest Data recorded in your Field Plans.
1. Navigate to Crops>Yield>Summary.
- A majority of the information that you will need is stored on this page.
2. Filter for the fields that have been audited by using the "Ops Boundary" filter on the top of the page.
3. Once you have all of the appropriate fields selected you can export this data into Excel by selecting the down arrow in the upper right-hand corner.
4. If you are required to submit field records navigate to Reports>Yield by Field.
- This will take you to a screen where you can select all relevant boundaries, landowners, crops, etc. that you would like to look at and generate a clean, organized report.
Related Articles:
Getting Started: Yield by Field Report
Getting Started: Crop Yield Summary