How do I track spot sales of crop?


You might need to sell one or several loads of grain or crop that are not associated with formalized contracts; for example, selling a load of silage to a neighbor or making a quick sale at the coop to make additional room in your bins. Traction Enterprise can easily help you manage these transactions to help you track your grain or crop inventory and the associated payment and revenue.   


To record a spot sale, you'll first need:

  • Crops that you grow added to your Traction Enterprise account.
  • Crop Plans created and assigned to fields.
  • Harvest Tasks in those plans for the correct Harvest Product.
  • The buyer set up as a Customer on Setup>Entities.
  • The location you will deliver to set up.


  1. Navigate to Crops>Contract Manager.

  2. Click Add to create a new Contract. A 'Spot' Contract will work best for this scenario.

  3. Fill out the contract with the Seller, Customer, price, quantity and all other relevant information of this sale.

  4. Use Traction Enterprise hauling capabilities to haul the load of grain or crop from your inventory to your purchaser's location.

  5. Assign the contract you just created to this transfer.      



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Getting Started: Contract Manager
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