How do I track dryland corner yield separate from irrigated pivot yield?


Yield data on irrigated fields can be tracked in multiple ways.  

If you don't have a need to analyze the difference in yield and profitability on the dryland corners versus the irrigated area in a given field, and you plan on harvesting the entire field at once (i.e., you don't plan on physically harvesting the dryland corners separately) then we recommend you treat the irrigated field as one boundary, just like you would any other non-irrigated field.

However, we do understand that you may need to track your dryland and irrigated yields and/or profitability separately on your irrigated fields, something you can easily do with Traction Enterprise.  

If you're concerned only about the difference in yield between dryland and irrigated areas: 


We recommend that you keep the entire field as one boundary in Field Plans, and create two different Harvest Tasks: one for "dryland" harvest and one for "irrigated" harvest.

This will give you a separate harvest total for dryland and irrigated acres, and you'll be able to see that at the Task level.

Conversely, the profitability that shows up in Financial Plans will be for the entire field; it will not show dryland profitability and irrigated profitability separately.

This means you'll only have to create one Work Order for all other field tasks throughout the year, versus having to create two if you make separate boundaries for irrigated and dryland.


Below is an example of a crop plan containing two different harvest tasks to track yield separately.


If you're concerned about analyzing the yield and profitability of the dryland and irrigated areas separately: 

We recommend that you create two separate boundaries, one for the irrigated area under the pivot, and one for the dryland corners. 

If you choose this route, the best way to accurately allocate harvested bushels to the dryland corners and irrigated area is to harvest the dryland and irrigated areas separately.  Otherwise, you'll have to estimate the actual bushel allocation between the two boundaries.

Creating separate boundaries also allows you to track all dryland and irrigated activities separately, which would give you separate profitability information for those areas.

The tradeoff here is that, during the year, you'll need to create a Work Order for each boundary, for any task, even if you do that task on the entire field.

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