How do I tailor a Plan to an individual Field?


Traction Enterprise uses Crop Plans to quickly assign groups of tasks to fields. We understand that not every field is going to have all of the same tasks completed on it each year. As such, Traction Enterprise allows you to easily make Field specific changes once Crop Plans have been assigned.


  • Setup tab completed (i.e. Inputs, Land Agreements, Financial Accounts, Fields/Boundaries) and started on your Crop Plans,Tasks and Field Plans.


  1. Navigate to Operations>Plan>Field Plans
  2. Find the Field on which you want to add, remove, or edit a Task 
  3. Click on the name of the Crop Plan that has been assigned to that Field
  4. This will open up the Plan Details window where you can make a variety of edits



  1. Click Add Task.
  2. Select a task to add from the TASK menu or create a new one by clicking Create New Task and filling in the details.
  3. After a task is selected or created, click Add to save your changes.


To delete tasks from the Plan details:

  1. Hover over the task you want to delete.
  2. Click on the minus sign next to the task to remove it.


 To change the details of a task such as the date or the product being used:

  1. Click the task name.
  2. In the Task Details window, edit fields. 
  3. Click Save to apply your changes to the field. 


Related Articles:
Getting Started: Managing Tasks
How do I change my Field Plan assignments?