How Do I Reset the Traction Enterprise Mobile App?


If you are experiencing issues with the Traction Enterprise Mobile, you might be asked to reset the app.


  • The Traction Enterprise mobile app downloaded on your mobile device.
  • Login to the Traction Enterprise Mobile App using the email address and password set up for you in the Traction Enterprise Business web application.


Caution: Perform a full sync of the mobile app before you perform the reset.

Press the sync button in the upper-left hand corner of the Work Orders tab and let it run through the sync process.

  1. Wait for Last Sync with a current time stamp at the top before you proceed.  (If you cannot perform a successful sync, DO NOT PERFORM THE HARD RESET!  Contract the Traction Enterprise Support Dept. for assistance)

  2. Tap Log Out which is located within the More tab at the bottom-right corner of the mobile app.


  3. On the login screen, press and hold the G on the Traction Enterprise logo for 10 seconds.


  4. When you see the Are you sure you want to delete the local database? All your unsynchronized data will be lost. message, tap Delete.


The first step where you performed the sync copied the data off the local database.


Log back in and let the mobile app perform the sync all the way through.  Then see if the issue has been resolved.  This might take a few minutes as it reestablishes the database on the device

Note: In the event you cannot perform a successful sync of the mobile app, there is now an option to send the Local Database to Traction Enterprise's Support Dept.

  1. Press the More button in the bottom-right corner of the mobile app and select the Settings option.


  2. Next, select Send Database.


  3. Then select Send to Traction Enterprise.




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