How do I record multiple pricing events for a contract?


You might encounter occasions when a Contract lasts for several months and grain is sold to the customer on a monthly basis at different prices.  If this occurs, we would recommend using two (or more) Contracts to manage this situation, as you'll need to track the different pricing events as well as the total bushels remaining for the original contract (essentially creating a new Contract for each crop sale).


  • Crops added to your account.
  • All applicable Harvest Products activated or created.


First create one, original contract with the total bushel amount. With each pricing event that occurs:

  1. Create a new contract specific to that pricing event with the total bushels to be sold during that pricing event.
  2. Reduce the bushel total of the original contract each time you create a new contract for the new price.

  3. Note each pricing event and the number of bushels reduced in the original contract in the notes section for further tracking. 



Related Articles:
How do I track spot sales of crop?
Getting Started: Crop Contracts