When your harvest inventory is rolling into your bins off of the field, your bin balances are populated based upon these incoming crop inventory transfers (generated via completed mobile work orders, .csv import, manually entered records, or any combination of these!).
Farms who haul inventory from home storage bins to the elevator or coop to sell will often times find themselves facing discrepancies between what their records indicate as having entered into their crop storage bins from the field vs. what's reported via the settlement sheets or scale tickets received from the point of sale or delivery.
It's important to reconcile these discrepancies. Plus, you'll also likely want to:
- allocate yield back to (or remove yield from) the field of origin
- ensure landowner yield shares reflect yields as paid upon
In this article, we'll walk you through reconciling the differences between the two, so you've got the most accurate data possible populating your Traction Enterprise account.
- Set up Inventory Locations with appropriate Crop Storage.
- Contact Customer Support to add any needed crops.
- Create Crop Plans containing Harvest Tasks.
- Assign those plans to fields.
- Record harvest on your Field Plans with loads going into inventory.
Example 1: Bin 1 contains crop only hauled in from Field 1
In this example, we can see that Bin 1 contains a negative balance, meaning more crop was hauled out of Bin 1 than what was reported as coming in off of the field.
Since it's been reported via our coop or elevator that they've received more than what that field yielded as per our records, we want to be sure to allocate that overage back to the field of origin.
To reconcile this, navigate to Harvest Reconciliation, we'll filter down to Field 1 (the field we know our inventory in Bin 1 came from), and add a positive processing adjustment for the amount we were showing as a negative balance in the bin.
That processing adjustment allocates those bushels back to Field 1, increasing the reported yield (final quantity) from that field as well as zeroing out the existing negative balance in Bin 1.
Example 2: Bin 2 has been overdrawn, crop from Fields 2 & 3 were deposited into Bin 2.
In this example, we have a bin that contained grain from multiple fields (Fields 2 & 3). More has been hauled out of this bin that was originally deposited, resulting in a negative balance as per the Inventory Balances page.
To remedy this, we'll take a similar approach as in Example 1, but we'll need to account for the fact that multiple fields are populating Bin 2. We'll still want to add processing adjustments to both fields via Harvest Reconciliation, but we'll want to be sure to weight the processing adjustments as per the relevant Harvest Tasks.
We've created a spreadsheet template to help you make this calculation - it's linked at the bottom of this article!
Pro Tip:
- Both of these examples depict bins that have been overdrawn, but in the opposite situation (i.e. bin containing crop as per Traction Enterprise crop balances, but are in fact physically empty) you'd want to complete a negative processing adjustment for the relevant fields.
- When working with fields that have crop sharing land agreements, you won't need to worry about making manual adjustments to ownership balances. When you add a processing adjustment, land agreements and crop shares are taken into account and the ownership balances are adjusted accordingly.
Related Articles:
Getting Started: How do I use Harvest Reconciliation?
How do I enter scale tickets in Traction Enterprise?