You might not create a Work Order for every Task or you might find that some Work Orders were not completed as needed via the Mobile App. In these cases, the Traction Enterprise versatility allows you to complete these tasks from the Web App.
- Field Plans must be assigned to your boundaries.
One of the quickest ways to complete a Task from the Web App is to use Task Manager:
- Navigate to Operations>Task Manager.
- Select the Tasks View. Then filter to find the task or tasks you need to complete.
The next steps will vary whether you are completing one task or multiple tasks. If completing multiple tasks together, they will need to have the same changes made to them.
Complete Multiple Tasks:
- Select multiple tasks on the left-hand side you would like to edit.
- Select Complete.
- If today is not the correct completed date, click Edit Date.
Complete One Task:
- Select one Task on the left-hand side you would like to Complete.
- Select Edit Task.
- On the Task Details screen, check the box Mark as Complete.
Note: If there are no actual amounts (Work Orders or Activity Records) associated with the Task, you will see a prompt asking if you want to use Planned Amounts as Actuals.
If there are Activity Records or Work Orders already associated with the Task, make sure the date next to Mark as Complete is accurate. Then select Save at the bottom right. No prompt will appear because you already have Activity Records associated with the Task.
You can Mark Tasks as Complete on the Field Plans page.
Related Articles:
How do I create Work Orders?
How can I assign Work Orders in bulk?