How do I keep track of grain that stays in storage across multiple years?


In Traction Enterprise, Crop inventory does not carry over from one year to the next; therefore, crops that stay in storage across multiple years will need to be added each year by creating an Adjustment.


  • Setup the appropriate inventory location.
  • Contact Customer Support if you need to add any other crops.


  1. Navigate to Crops>Inventory>Inventory Balances.
  2. From here, you can view the inventory balances for each type of crop and its Location.
  3. When you need to create an adjustment click on the Transfer tab where you can then make any adjustments necessary.

When you do this, you will need to create two adjustments:

  • One to add the Crop to the desired new Production Year
  • Another to remove it from the previous year so that you balance overall. Select the correct production years.




When the adjustment window appears, view the balance of that crop for the specified Production year and Location. Enter your adjustment amount and click "Save".



Note: Creating an adjustment to transfer crop inventory from year to year is not mandatory. Many farms prefer to keep inventory produced in a given year within that same production cycle, for management purposes. 


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How do I change crop prices?
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