How do I import Machine Data into Traction Enterprise?


Traction Enterprise can use your Machine Data to track a variety of vital information including: actual amounts of product applied, inputs used during planting or other applications, acres tilled, and harvest data.  

The Traction Enterprise platform supports the ability to import field operation data from your monitor(s). It also allows you to have direct integration with MyJohnDeere that imports data from your MyJohnDeere Operations Center into Traction Enterprise.


  • Your field operations will only link if a Field Plan has been assigned to the Boundary the activity occurred on. 
  • The Task needs to be setup to match the Machine Data file.
    • For example, a Fertilizer Spreading Task must be setup in a Crop Plan in order for the "As Applied" field operation to be tied to that Task.  If needed, view this introduction to working with Machine Data in Traction Enterprise.
  • Inputs must be set up in Traction Enterprise, and need to match the input names in your monitors.


If you are not utilizing the JD integration, you can also manually import field operations into Traction Enterprise Business. After data has been exported from the monitor:

  1. Compress the files into a .zip file format.
  2. Navigate to Operations>Machine Data
  3. Select the "Source Files" tab
  4. Click the blue "Import" button in the upper right corner
  5. Select the appropriate file from your computer

Note: Be sure your Machine Data Files are in a .zip file format.



Related Articles:
Getting Started: Machine Data
How do I integrate Machine Data from MyJohnDeere with Traction Enterprise?