How do I handle multiple Planting Tasks on one Boundary?


In some cases, you may find yourself needing to have several Planting Tasks on one Boundary.  Some common situations might include:

  • Cover-cropping and replanting (either spot areas, or an entire replant)
  • Seed corn production (multiple varieties per field)


  • Set up completed for Inputs and Fields/Boundaries, as well as People.
  • Field Plans assigned to Boundaries.


1. Cover-cropping and replanting

In cover cropping and replanting scenarios, the best practice is to add an additional "Planting" Task for the cover (or cash) crop. This could be a simple pass with the planter to re-drill some wheat seed that was washed out or switching crops completely during an entire field replant.

For example, when needing to make another pass with the planter to re-drill some wheat seed that was washed out, or when switching crops completely during an entire field replant.  

Read more on managing cover cropping practices and replanting situations using Traction Enterprise. 

2. Seed corn production

When considering seed corn production, the best practice is to treat this as a Seed Split and enter actual amounts in the mobile app when the "Planting" Task is completed:

  1. Navigate to Operations>Plan>Seed Plans.
  2. Assign the second seed variety you're going to use on a given field by dragging and dropping them from the list on the left hand-side to the middle of the screen.
  3. Each time you add a new seed to a field, the Define Seed Split dialog box will appear.
  4. Enter the number of acres you'll plant of each variety, along with the seed rate.
  5. Click Save.
Note: If you have two different plantings of the same variety at different rates, you would assign that variety once and enter the average per acre rate.


  • Once the seeds are assigned, create a Work Order for the "Planting" Task just as you normally would, but add a note telling the operator how many acres of which variety (or varieties) to plant in the first planting.


  • The operator will start the Work Order as normal, but when finished they should tap Pause
  • This will take them to a page that prompts them to confirm the Actual Area planted and either Actual Rate or Actual Total used
  • There they can then enter the number of acres they planted, as well as the Actual Rate or Actual Total of each variety used, then tap Confirm
Note: If they've only planted one variety at this time, they will only confirm actuals for one of the seeds. 


The Work Order can now be reassigned to another operator for the next planting on that field, or it can stay paused until the currently assigned operator is told to complete the second planting.

  • To reassign, tap Reassign in the top corner of the Work Order details page
  • Then select a new Operator from the list that appears



When the time comes to complete the second planting, the Operator should tap Start Work Order at the bottom of the screen, and Complete when they're finished.  

  • This will again prompt the operator to confirm actual acres planted
  • Once confirmed, the Work Order will now be considered complete in the mobile and web apps



Related Articles:
How do I tailor a Plan to an individual Field?
How should I plan Intercropping with two Crops on a particular Field?