How do I export data from a John Deere Greenstar 3 2630?


Use Traction Enterprise to track actual amounts of applied product, input use during planting, and harvest data by harnessing data gathered from certain monitors.

This article will give you details on how to export data from a John Deere Greenstar 3 2630.


Do you have a MyJohnDeere or Precision Planting FieldView account?

  • Yes - contact your CSM or Support for the best practice in integrating your machine data
  • No - follow the process below, you will need to have access to your machine data files


To export data from a John Deere Greenstar 3 2630, follow the steps below (or see page 120-2 of the attached manual excerpt):

  1. Turn off all types of recording and stop the vehicle.
  2. Insert a USB flash drive with at least 1 GB of free memory.

Note: If the USB flash drive is not recognized, try the other USB port, reformat the USB flash drive (FAT or FAT32), or try a different USB flash drive.

  1. On the Data Transfer page (might take 10 seconds), select the Export Data option.

  1. Select or create a Profile Name to store the data on the USB drive.


  • If you export to an existing profile, it will overwrite all setup information and data in that profile except for the documentation files used by the desktop software. 
  • It takes less time when you export repeatedly to the same profile because the documentation files (for example, as-applied and yield map files) that are already in the profile on the USB are not exported again. 
  • Do not use any of the following characters (\ / : * ? " < >) when creating a profile name. These causes the profile to fail to load to a display or Apex.
  1. Select Begin Transfer.

  1. Export the data from Gen3 2630.

Note: Large datasets might take several minutes to transfer. Loss of power or removing the USB during data transfer might cause data loss.

  1. When the export finishes, watch for a Data Transfer is Complete message.


Related Articles:
Getting Started: Machine Data
How do I export data from a John Deere Greenstar 3 1800?
How do I add Traction Enterprise as a partner in MyJohnDeere?
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