How do I ensure Partial Mix matching when using Machine Data?


Machine Data automation lets you easily put your Machine Data to work, using it to track actual amounts of product applied, input use during planting, machine hours and acres covered when tilling, and harvest data. 


  • Inputs added in your Traction Enterprise Account. Input names in Traction Enterprise MUST match exactly with input names in your monitors.
    • The only exception is by "aliasing" your inputs, which will result in products matching from that point forward.

  • Crop Plans and Field Plans MUST be fully set up and allocated for matching to be effective.
    • This includes making sure all Tasks are added to your Plans, and contain the inputs and date ranges that correspond to the planned field operation.


When using Machine Data, you can adjust one of the Import Settings to help ensure partial mix matching as files are imported.  

  1. Navigate to Setup>Import Settings.
  2. Select the Used Inputs Recorded in the Monitor option.  This will allow Traction Enterprise to capture inputs that are present in your Input Catalog, when used in field operations.  

**If the "Use Inputs Recorded in the Monitor" option was not selected, we don't match any of the monitor inputs (you can however, open the task mix under input and edit the mix there). Instead, the planned products and rates from the task on your Field Plans will be used.


Let's look at an example:

For input mixes, so long as at least 1 input name from monitor matches with an input set up in Traction Enterprise, an "Incomplete mix (edit to resolve)" message will show in the Input box. After clicking "Edit Mix," a modal will pop up allowing you to match and alias inputs.





Related Articles:
Getting Started: An Overview of Machine Data
How do I import Machine Data into Traction Enterprise?