How do I edit an Inventory Location?


Inventory Locations are the physical storage locations for inputs and harvested crops around your farming area as well as your suppliers and your customers.  These locations are often setup early on in your Traction Enterprise account and help track delivery of inputs and moving harvested crop.


  • Inventory Locations added.


  1. Navigate to Setup>Inventory Locations.
  2. Click a row in the grid to select a location.
  3. On the right, click Edit.
  4. In the Edit dialog box, optionally change the Name of the location.
  5. Select or clear the Active box.
  6. Use the Search box to optionally change the location on the map.
  7. Click the location on the map to drop a pin there.
  8. Scroll to the bottom of the dialog box and optionally change the Radius or Entity.
  9. For a Farm Location or a Third Party Location, select Yes or No for Has Truck Scale.
  10. Click Save



Related Articles:
Getting Started: How to setup Inventory Locations
How do I setup one Inventory Location for multiple customers?