How do I deactivate or delete Inputs (Seeds, Chemicals, or Fertilizers)?
If you have not used an Input (seed, chemical, or fertilizer) in any of your Crop Plans, you can delete the Input from your Farm Catalog in Traction Enterprise.
- The Input that you are trying to delete has to be unused in Traction Enterprise (for every production cycle).
- If you have used an Input in one of your Crop Plans, you cannot fully delete it because there are historical activities that are associated with the Input. In this case, you can deactivate an Input to indicate it will no longer be used.
- To delete an Input from your account, navigate to Setup>Inputs.
- For unused inputs: Hover over the Input and click "Delete from Farm Catalog" on the right side
- For inputs used in the past: Select the Input and clear the Active Input box to deactivate.
- For unused inputs: Hover over the Input and click "Delete from Farm Catalog" on the right side
Related Articles:
Getting Started: How to setup Inputs?
How are my Input Balances calculated?