Traction Enterprise Business provides most of the information your crop insurance agent will need to create production reports on your behalf. All you have to do is download one report, depending on which crops you're insuring, and then you or your crop insurance agent can make some quick edits in an external spreadsheet to complete it. Some growers even give their agent a Traction Enterprise login so they can quickly download the information and compile the report on their behalf.
To create production reports, you will first need:
- Fields drawn or imported into your account.
- Tasks and Crop Plans created.
- Field Plans assigned to fields.
- Harvest tasks with crop transfers associated to them.
Navigate to Crops>Yield>Summary.
Use the filters at the top of the page to narrow down to certain fields or crop types.
Click the down arrow to download the report into a .CSV file
4. Open the downloaded file using Microsoft Excel or another program you use for viewing spreadsheets.
In most cases, you can send this file directly to your crop insurance agent. As long as they have a corresponding list of your field boundaries with the location and crop insurance unit, they should have everything they need.
Your agent generally compiles a report from different sources of information. If you have crop insurance by enterprise unit, this will mean adding a column to the downloaded .CSV file that has a corresponding crop insurance unit for each field boundary. Crop insurance unit are usually set by the type of crop, county where the field is located and entity which owns or operates the field, so in some cases you may be asked to add that information as well.
Finally, your agent sums the production information, including number of Planted Acres, Combine Acres and Yield for each crop insurance unit as this will be the basis for any insurance payout. Your agent will likely have their own format for the reports they submit to the approved insurance provider, but it saves them time if they can get the information out of Traction Enterprise.
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Getting Started: Field History Report
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