How do I copy Crop Plans and associated Tasks from year to year?
In order to save time in a new production cycle, there is an added capability in Traction Enterprise to copy over Crop Plans and associated Tasks from year to year.
- Setup your Fields/Boundaries
- Setup your Inputs
- Setup your Crop Plans
- Setup your Field Plans
To copy your Tasks and Crop Plans from year to year, start by navigating to Operations>Plan>Crop Plans. Then:
- Click on the Settings Wheel
of the Crop Plan you would like to copy
- And select "Copy To..."
- On the "Copy To..." pop-up screen, select the Production Cycle to which you would like to copy your Crop Plan and associated Tasks
- Then click "Copy"
- Finally, navigate to your 2019 Production Cycle and you will see that your Crop Plan and associated Tasks are now available.
Related Articles:
How do I change the date of a completed Task?
Getting Started: How to make Crop Plans and Tasks