Traction Enterprise Business automatically calculates the acreage when you draw or import a field boundary in the Fields page.
In order to change the acreage on a field boundary, you must have the boundaries setup.
- Navigate to Setup>Fields.
- Click the boundary you want edit.
- Click Edit in the upper-right corner.
- Edit the acreage associated with this boundary by entering the desired amount in the Acres field.
- Click Save.
- Specify when you want the new boundary shape to go into effect (either today, or this production cycle).
- Example: It's mid-April and you're ready to plant corn in a 100 ac field on which you've already applied 100 ac worth of inputs. Prior to planting, it rains and the field floods, such that you're only able to plant 50 ac of corn this year. Updating the boundary shape to reflect 50 ac and selecting "this production cycle" as the effective starting period for this new shape will result in all costs for this boundary for this year being adjusted over the new acreage amount (back to Jan. 1).
- Click Save.
When editing the boundary acreage on a field, remember the implications associated with the corresponding Field Plan.
Related Articles:
How does Traction Enterprise determine the acreage of a Field Plan?
How do I view Planned Acreage by Seed Variety?