How do I add Traction Enterprise as a Partner in MyJohnDeere?


Traction Enterprise offers an API integration with the John Deere Operations Center, allowing for field operations to automatically flow into Traction Enterprise. You're also able to manually import Machine Data files yourself.

However, if you're a MyJohnDeere user and you'd like to back-populate several months worth of Machine Data, you may want to add Traction Enterprise as a Partner.  Allowing the partnership allows both you and Traction Enterprise Success & Support to access your Machine Data files. 

This article will go more in depth on the process of adding Traction Enterprise as a partner.


  • An active account with MyJohnDeere
    • If you need help with the setup of your MyJohnDeere account, please contact your John Deere dealer.
  • Fields setup with monitor data flowing through in order to bring data in Traction Enterprise.  


  1. Log into your MyJD account and select the Operations Center.


  2. Click the Setup tab and select Team.


  3. On the left hand-side, click Add to your Team.


  4. Select Add a Partner.
  5. Select "Grant access to my partner" and enter as the partner email.


  6. Select Access Levels for our partnership:
    Equipment: Access Level 3
    Organization Management: Access Level 0 (we will not need to view anything regarding your Organization)
    Locations: Access Level 3
    Work: Access Level 2
    Financials: Access level 0 (we will not need to view anything regarding your Financials)


  7. Click Next and then Finish.
  8. Once the invite has been sent, Traction Enterprise will receive and email and accept the invitation, which will then grant us the ability to export your Machine Data.

You will see an Invite Pending status listed until Traction Enterprise has the chance to accept the invite. Once we do accept, you'll see Traction Enterprise listed under the Partners heading. 


Related Articles:
How do I import Machine Data in Traction Enterprise?
How do I integrate Machine Data from MyJohnDeere with Traction Enterprise?
How do I add Traction Enterprise as a Partner in MyJohnDeere.pdf
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