Getting Started: Seed Plans


The Seed Plans page is the place to make changes to the Default Seed that was selected when you created your Planting Tasks. Here you can easily remove seeds from a plan, or add additional varieties using the drag and drop functionality.


Complete Setup tab (i.e. Inputs, Land Agreements, Financial Accounts, Fields/Boundaries) and previously set up your Crop Plans, Tasks, and Field Plans.


  • Navigate to Operations>Plans>Seed Plans:
  • Along the left, you'll see a list of all seed varieties you have added to your Farm Catalog on the Inputs page
  • In the middle, is a list of all your Fields for the Production Cycle chosen via the filter on top
  • You'll also see the Crop Plans currently assigned to each Field and the seed variety that is currently planned for use on that Boundary
  • On the right, is a running total of the number of acres planned for each crop. If you use the arrows below each crop, you can see the total acres planned for each seed variety and the necessary number of bags of that type of seed
  • There are also two filters along the top that let you look at specific Boundaries and/or Crops


To Change/Assign a Seed Variety on a Boundary:

  1. To change, add or assign a new seed variety on a boundary, drag and drop the new variety from the left onto the boundary in the middle. This will open up the Define Seed Split window.
  2. In the Define Seed Split window, you can update and/or remove a seed variety.
  3. If this is the second or more variety being applied to a Field, you need to determine the number of acres that will be planted to each variety. In the example below, we indicated we want to plant 30 acres with the DK61-54RIB Blend variety; then we used Apply to Remaining at the bottom of the window to automatically populate the rest of the acres with the DKC55-20RIB Blend variety.
  4. When finished, click Save to save your changes.


Note: You can also make changes to individual Field Plans on this page by clicking on the Field Plan name and adjusting Tasks from there as needed 


Related Articles:
How do I view Planned Acreage by Seed Variety?
How do I assign multiple Seeds to one Field?
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