Getting Started: Overview of Input Usage by Task


The Input Usage by Task Report is a table view of Inputs used in a given production cycle.  This report is valuable because it allows you to filter the information in various ways, such as TaskInput, and Boundary.


  • Tasks on Field Plans need to be Marked as Complete


If you want to see a list of all the Inputs that were applied so far on a field, you would simply filter by the Boundary name to generate a list of Inputs used in the current production cycle to date.

  1. Navigate to Inputs>Usage>By Task
  2. Use the Columns toward the top right to indicate which data fields you want to view
  3. In the filters along the top of the table, search for specific items based on the columns you have chosen to include. For example: Start typing the name of a Field Boundary in the space below the Field Boundary heading to look for records related to a specific field.
  4. Click Print to print the table after you filter.
  5. The Rows Displayed numbers at the bottom determine how many records show up on a page.
  6. Click Jump to Page at the bottom to navigate through the pages of results.


Example: In the report shown below, we're filtering for fields that have already had 82-0-0 Anhydrous applied on them, so we typed "82-0-0" into the Input filter field and then selected "82-0-0 Anhydrous,"  returning a list of fields that have received this Input. 

Using the "Columns" drop down in the top right, we've selected to only see the following: Boundary, Boundary Area, Input Name, Actual Area, Actual Rate and Actual Quantity.

We've also set the Task Status to "Complete."



Related Articles:
Task and Work Order Completion Rules
Getting Started: How to create Input Transfers