Getting Started: Nutrient Plans


To optimize your nutrient management strategy, growers need unprecedented insight into nutrient planning and financial implications, in order to convert fertilizer applications into actionable data.

In Traction Enterprise, this is accomplished through the Nutrient Plans page.  This page provides growers with ways to:

  • Understand the impact of each fertilizer application in terms of pounds of nutrient provided
  • Track the financial impact of each fertilizer application
  • Set targets for each major nutrient and understand where they're at against that target throughout the season


Setup your nutrient settings - specify your nutrient and density settings


Navigate to Operations>Plans>Nutrient Plans.



Helpful Tips:

  • The Nutrient Plans page surfaces all planned and completed fertilizer applications.
  • N, P, K, & micro-nutrient values are surfaced from what was setup for each input on the Setup>Inputs page
  • Unchecking the blue box next to an input, will remove the input from the Task.  While unchecking the blue box next to the Task, will remove the Task from the Nutrient Plans page as well as the Field Plan.

Remember, this page isn't meant to replace any discussions occurring with an agronomist.  The purpose is to enable growers to take these agronomic discussions and translate them into tasks in Traction Enterprise that can be carried out throughout the year, with significant and impactful insight into the lbs of nutrients and micro-nutrients being applied, as well as any financial implications.


Related Articles:
Getting Started: How to setup Inputs
What are typical density values for fertilizer inputs?
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