Getting Started: Input Cost Share Report


Growers involved with landowner agreements that contain an input sharing component need a quick and easy way to determine the amount and cost of inputs owed by landowners. The Input Cost Share Report allows farms to quickly track and report on shares of input costs, giving farms the ability to report on any entity engaged in an input sharing land agreement.  

This report consists of two parts:

  • Summary page that contains an overview of the Entity on which you're reporting
  • Detailed breakdown of costs by Boundary and Task.  


  • Setup your Inputs, Fields/Boundaries and Land Agreements


  1. Navigate to Reports>Input Cost Share.     
  2. On the left, select the Production Cycle on which you want to report, the Task Completion Date Range (if needed - you might have completed some tasks last fall for this production cycle), and the appropriate Entity (Organization or Landowner) you want to report to.  
  3. Select the Boundary, Task Type, and Crop.
  4. On the right, select whether or not you'd like to:
    • View a map of the field
    • Include the FSA boundary number
    • Include the input price
    • Insert a page break after each field
  5. Once you've built your report, click the blue "Generate" button, and select "PDF."  
    • Your report will begin generating in the background
    • You can view its progress in the lower left corner
    • Once your report is complete, click the link to download the file to your computer

The summary portion of the Input Cost Share Report includes the respective boundaries, ownership area on those boundaries (i.e. portion of the boundary area owned by the Entity on which you're reporting), $/ac attributed to the Entity, and total field cost.


The more detailed breakdown of costs by boundary and Tasks contains a map view of the respective field, and breaks down each Task on that field individually, surfacing the following:

  • Task type and subtype
  • Crop
  • Product
  • Rate
  • Total quantity
  • Price
  • $/ac
  • Total cost


Let's take a look at a couple of examples.

Example 1:

Corn Belt Farms has an agreement on Field 4 with Betsy Nygrins to share 50% of input costs (Betsy owns 100% of the boundary).


To determine Betsy's share of the 50% input costs for all completed Tasks on this field for this production cycle, navigate to Reports>Input Cost Report and specify the following:

  • Select the current Production Cycle
  • Be sure the Task completion date range is appropriate
  • Select landowner Betsy Nygrins as the Entity
  • Choose Field - 4 from the boundary dropdown

After our report exports, we're able to see Betsy's share of the input costs on Field 4.



Example 2:  

Let's say our land agreement on Field - 4 is between Corn Belt Farms, his brother (C&B Partnership), and Betsy (the landowner).  Betsy pays for 10% of chemicals, 50% of seed, and 0% fertilizers on the portion farmed by C&B Partnership, and pays 50% of the inputs on the portion farmed by Corn Belt Farms.  

You want to create a input cost report for your brother (C&B Partnership) for his share of the input costs, and a report for Betsy for her share of the input costs.


To determine Betsy's share of the input costs for all completed Tasks on this field for 2018, navigate to Reports>Input Cost Report and specify the following:

  • Select the current Production Cycle
  • Be sure the Task completion date range is appropriate
  • Select landowner Betsy Nygrins as the Entity
  • Choose Field - 4 from the boundary dropdown

After our report exports, we're able to see Betsy's share of the input costs on Field 4.


To determine C&B Partnership's (your brother's) share of the input costs for all completed Tasks on this field for this production cycle, navigate to Reports>Input Cost Report and specify the following:

  • Select the current Production Cycle
  • Be sure the Task completion date range is appropriate
  • Select landowner C&B Partnership as the Entity
  • Choose Field - 2 from the boundary dropdown

After our report exports, we're able to see C&B Partnership's share of the input costs on Field 4. 




Related Articles:
How do I setup a lease with input cost sharing?
Getting Started: Land Agreements