Getting Started: How to setup Entities


Setting up your business Entities allows Traction Enterprise Business to automatically allocate items, such as harvested crop totals, as you progress through the growing season. 

You can set up five types of Entities in Traction Enterprise:

Farm Entity -

These are the separate legal Entities that make up your farm. A farm Entity could take possession of crops at harvest or owns inputs that are part of the overall operation. For example, you might operate as Traction Enterprise Farms, but within Traction Enterprise Farms, Indiana Spring Farms, Nebraskan Creek Farm, and Southern Farms track their grain and inputs separately. In this case, you would create a farm Entity for each of these Entities. You can also add Land Agreements that pertain to these specific Entities.

Landowners -

These are the Landowners with whom you have Land Agreements. After you add Landowner Entities, head over to add Land Agreements to the boundaries owned by these Landowners.

Suppliers -

These are the business Entities from which you purchase inputs. Log transactions with these entities in the Inputs Inventory section. 

Customers -

These are customers who have locations where you store grain or customers with whom you have contracts. Use these Entities when you set up your inventory locations or create your contracts in Traction Enterprise Business.

Other -

At the basic level, an Entity classified as Other is involved in your farming operation, but does not fall into the OrganizationLandownerSupplier or Customer category. You would typically use the Other category for third-party storage locations, to track custom work that you do for another farm, or work completed by someone else. One example of an Other Entity is an Airport where you store inputs for aerial applications or a farm where you purchase and market crops.

Specify these entities on such pages as the Crop Transfers page when you log inbound crop deliveries. 


Setting up Entities is one of the first steps in setting up your Traction Enterprise Account.  In order to set your Entities up correctly, make sure you have all Entity information:

  • Name
  • Type of Entity
  • Address (optional)
  • Phone (optional)
  • Email (optional)
  • Tax ID (optional)


  1. Navigate to Setup>Entities.
  2. In the Entities page, click Add.
  3. In the Add Entity dialog box, enter a Name for the Entity.
  4. For Type, choose Farm EntityLandownerSupplierCustomer, or Other.
  5. Optional information to add:
    • Address
    • Phone Number
    • Email Address
    • Tax ID (select to use Social Security Number or Employer ID Number)
  6. Click Save.


Related Articles:
Getting Started: How to setup Land Agreements
How do I setup an agreement when my farm Entity is the Landowner?