Getting Started: How to set up People


One of the first steps in setting up your Traction Enterprise account is adding People (users) to your account. You can setup People with based off the type of access they will need to Traction Enterprise. Traction Enterprise supports three types of users:

  • Operators: Can access only the mobile app.
    • Additional Permissions:
      • Ability to view other Operators, Activity Feed & Inventory (mobile)
      • Ability to view Tasks & Create work Orders (mobile)
  • Managers: Can access the web and mobile apps
    • Additional Permissions:
      • Ability to view other Operators, Activity Feed & Inventory (mobile)
      • Ability to view Tasks & Create work Orders (mobile)
      • Ability to see financial sensitive information
  • Administrators: Can access the web and mobile apps, all financial information, and can create and modify users.


To set up People in your Traction Enterprise account, you will need contact information, such as:

  • Name
  • Email or Phone Number (What if my Operator doesn't have an email?)
  • Applicator License (optional)
  • $/hr Cost (optional - if tracking Labor & Equipment costs)


  1. Navigate to Setup>People.
  2. Select Invite Person.
  3. Enter in Name, Email or Phone Number, Role, & Applicator License Number(optional).
    Note: Email &/or Phone Number has to be real in order to verify account.

  4. If you selected Manager or Operator roles, you will see Additional Permissions appear to select. These are the permissions described under each role listed above. Use the checkboxes to determine what permissions you'd like this user to have.
  5. Once you have everything filled in, click "Invite".
  6. The user will now receive a link to their email address or phone number, whichever you used to set them up, to finish setting up and verifying their account.
  7. Once the user clicks the link to verify their account, they will be taken to a landing page to complete their account.


8. The user will fill in their information and set their password. They will then click "Create Account".  Passwords must be at least 8 characters and cannot include the text string "granular".

9. The user will then be prompted to verify their email address. A link will be sent to the email address they entered.


10. After the user confirms their email address, they will be redirected to log into the account.


Related Articles:
Getting Started: Labor & Equipment Cost Tracking
How can I give an Operator financial privileges?
What should I do if my Operator doesn't have an email address?


Roles and Permissions_Final_January2021-1.pdf
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