Getting Started: How to make Crop Plans and Tasks


Traction Enterprise has developed a flexible planning process for the tasks necessary to grow a crop on a field. This technique provides an advantage for documenting crop activities, organic farming plans, and ensuring clear communication to field crews.  On the Crop Plans page, you can create plan templates to assign to fields and view the financial implications of your crop plans as you build them.


  • Setup Financial Accounts.
  • Setup Inputs - you can now add Inputs that are not in your Input Catalog via In-Context Add on the Crop Plans page.



Note: Changes made to Crop Plans on this page apply only to new field assignments.

  1. Navigate to Operations>Plans>Crop Plans.
  2. Click New Crop Plan.
  3. Click the Settings wheel to delete or rename the plan or add or remove tasks.

  4. To create Tasks for your Crop Plans, click New Task.
  5. Fill out applicable planned inputs and financial accounts.
    • For tasks that use inputs (planting & product applications), identify a default input storage location, if known.
    • Specify an estimated yield for harvesting tasks.  This is important for budgeting because it allows you to view planned crop sale revenue on the Profit Analyzer page.
  6. Click Save.


  7. When you finish adding tasks, begin adding them to your Crop Plan
  8. Drag and drop tasks or click the Settings wheel and select Add Task.


  9. When you finish creating your Crop Plan templates, drag and drop them onto your Field Boundaries on the Field Plans page.

Note: Traction Enterprise rolls up the costs of all tasks in the plan.

Create specialized plans that cover the following circumstances:

  • Planning for fall tillage work
  • Perennial crops
  • Cover cropping practices
  • Fallowing fields





Related Articles:
Getting Started: Field Plans
How do I copy crop plans and associated tasks from year to year?