Getting Started: FSA Acreage Report


The FSA Acreage Report is a helpful tool for reporting your planted acres to your local FSA office in the spring. The report matches your FSA Boundaries to the corresponding Operational Boundaries and then allocates your planted acres accordingly.


  • Before you dive into the FSA Acreage Report, check out these steps for setting up your FSA Boundaries.


1. Understanding Planted Acreage Allocations

As you begin to explore the FSA Acreage Report, notice that Traction Enterprise automatically calculates and allocates your FSA planted acreage. Here are further insights into each column:

  • Operational Boundary Area area at the time that the planting task was completed.
  • FSA Boundary Area: area as calculated in the Setup>Fields page.
  • Overlap Area: number of overlapping acres that the FSA and Operational Boundaries share in common. If you navigate to Setup>Fields, you can get a good sense of this geo-spatial overlap on a map.
  • Operational Planted Area: number of planted acres as recorded in the corresponding planting task. The planting task must be completed to display an acreage total.
    • This is the number of seeded acres. If more than one seed is planted per field (blending wheat varieties), the Operational Planted Area is the sum of the acreages associated with each individual seed. 
    • Tip: Have Harvest Tasks assigned to your Field Plans for data to populate when downloading a .CSV. 
  • FSA Planted Area: calculated based on the FSA and Operational Boundary overlap area. For instance, if the FSA Boundary covers 50% of the Operational Boundary and your Ops Planted Area is 80 acres, Traction Enterprise allocates 40 planted acres to this FSA Boundary (50% * 80ac = 40ac).
  • Plan: Click Crop to open up the corresponding Plan that is assigned to the Operational Boundary.
  • Task: Click the Task to expose the Task Details and planting records.
  • Status: Your tasks must be completed to display a planted acres total.

2. Understanding the FSA Report

The FSA Acreage Report has two primary views: Grouped and Flat. Traction Enterprise exports both of these views to .CSV files. 


Grouped View

In the Grouped view, your FSA acreage data is grouped by the corresponding Operational Boundary.

For each Operational Boundary grouping, Traction Enterprise shows aggregate figures to help you quickly audit and understand your planted acreage allocations. 


Flat View

The Flat view shows the relationship of each FSA and Operational Boundary pairing in a tabular layout.

Sort this table by any column, which helps you quickly narrow down to a particular FSA or Operational Boundary.




Related Articles:
What are FSA boundaries?
How does Traction Enterprise use FSA boundaries?