Yield Analyzer is a powerful tool that allows you to view your total production across boundaries, crops, seeds, county, & plan. You can also use Yield Analyzer to build custom reports to provide specific information for your farm to make the most profitable decisions for your operation.
You can also generate useful reports that include:
- Compare Seed Yield by Field to see which seeds are giving you the best yield.
- See your best performing fields at a quick glance by running a Boundary Report.
- Planned, Actual, Remaining, and Forecasted Quantities and Costs: allowing you to dig into the source of any unexpected variance.
To run reports in Yield Analyzer, you must have:
- Crop Plans need to be assigned to your boundaries via the Field Plans page.
- Planned and/or Actual Yield need to be assigned or added to the harvest task in the crop plan - How do I Specify Target Yield, Adding Harvest Transfers
Yield Analyzer has a drop-down menu in the top left corner to choose the type of report you would like to generate. Different reports will change the grouping of your yield data.
By default: Your report will include the Actual Quantity, Boundary Area, Boundary Area Yield, Planted Area, Planted Area Yield, Harvested Area, Harvested Area Yield, and Moisture
- If you want to change the columns in this report you can do so by clicking the Columns configuration button.
- If you want to get back to the default view for a given report, click Reset.
To add or remove columns to your report, click on the Columns configuration button and drag options from the Options section to the Columns section.
You can also control the ordering of Columns in your Report by dragging and dropping Columns within the right panel.
The configurations you make to these reports are persistent (that is, filtering or column configuration is remembered when you return to the page). However, you can always use the Reset button to get back to default state for a given report.
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