Getting Started: An Overview of Input Usage Analyzer


Input Usage Analyzer allows you to report on your planned and actual input usage and costs in flexible and dynamic ways.  You are able to:

  1. Summarize by Input Type, Crop, Task, and Landowner.
  2. Build custom reports to answer your specific questions.
  3. Drill down from a summarized quantity or cost to investigate the source

You can also generate useful reports that include:

  • Input Costs by Landowner (for those with financial permissions): providing details on where your costs are coming from; useful when billing landlords.
  • Planned, Actual, Remaining, and Forecasted Quantities and Costs: allowing you to dig into the source of any unexpected variance.

You may also hear our Input Usage Analyzer report referred to as IUA.



To run reports in Input Usage Analyzer, you must have:

  • Crop Plans need to be assigned to your boundaries via the Field Plans page.
  • Planned and/or Actual Inputs need allocated to a boundary - Getting Started: How to add Input Transfers.


Input Usage Analyzer has a dropdown menu in the top left corner to choose the type of report you would like to generate.  Different reports will change the grouping of your input usage data.


By default: Your report will include the Planned Quantity, Actual Quantity, Remaining Quantity and Forecasted Quantity.

  • If you want to change the columns in this report you can do so by clicking the Columns configuration button.
  • If you want to get back to the default view for a given report, click Reset.


Only a subset of available columns are included in your reports by default. Certain columns are only available to those Users who have financial permissions, as specified below. The full list of Columns available for your reports are:

To add or remove columns to your report, click on the Columns configuration button and drag options from the Options section to the Columns section.

You can also control the ordering of Columns in your Report by dragging and dropping Columns within the right panel.


The configurations you make to these reports are persistent (that is, filtering or column configuration is remembered when you return to the page). However, you can always use the Reset button to get back to default state for a given report.


One of the best ways to fully customize the report, is by generating your own Custom Input Usage Analyzer report.

Related Articles:
How can I forecast the amount of product needed for a certain set of Tasks?
How can I view cost per acre in Input Usage Analyzer?