Can I track yield by crop variety?


After Customer Support or your Customer Success Manager activates your crop varieties, you can use these Harvest Products just like all other Harvest Products (Grain, Seed, Bales, etc)  in Traction Enterprise.


  • Add all necessary crops to your account.
  • Add the variety you want to track as a seed.
  • Contact Customer Support to enable the variety as a Harvest Product.
  • Crop Plans created with Harvest Tasks.
  • Field Plan assignments made on each boundary.


Variety tracking will come into play in the Harvest Task of each plan. Here you can specify the Harvest Product you intend for this crop to be.

Use the variety-specific crop in your Harvest Tasks, Inventory Locations and Contracts. When you begin using these variety specific crops for harvest, you can see your yield data tracked by that variety.

To view an accurate yield by variety for specialty crops, such as almonds, walnuts, pecans, or potatoes, navigate to Traction Enterprise's Yield Analyzer (Crops>Yield>Analyzer), or Yield Summary (Crops>Yield>Summary) pages.


These pages let you filter by Crop Product, which allows you to drill down to and specifically compare differences between varieties.

Related Articles:
Getting Started: Overview of Crops and Flexible Units
How do I add a new variety of almonds, walnuts, pecans, or potatoes to a field/bloc